Laura Frazer 
Currently 18 weeks pregnant and I love that despite a tough first trimester i can still see a real healthy change in my body. I miss cleansing more than anything right now but I am soo grateful for these products. Honestly. There were days I couldn’t keep water down and Hydrate was the only thing I could drink. Every morning has started with an IsaLean bar. I get a bit too full from shakes at the moment. I have my stash of IsaDelights and whey thins for when ever I need a snack! I have already entered into my next Isabody challenge. Number 12 I believe! Here we GROW
*Weight loss should not be considered typical. A study showed an average weight loss of 24 pounds after 12 weeks. Participants took part in a calorie-controlled regimen of Shake Days and one Cleanse Day per week. For more information on the study, see