Congratulations 2019 START Ambassadors
At the Gala Awards at Global Celebration 2019, our newest START Ambassadors were named! These leaders have lived the Isagenix values, culture, and passion over and over again and have a burning desire to ignite all young people to own their lives physically and financially and through our contributions create freedom and a lasting legacy. As START Ambassadors, they lead this movement by example while giving their time and knowledge to help people all over the world create their own personal freedom and a lasting legacy. These elite leaders live to help others. Their dedication to collaboration and unity make them uniquely qualified to be the face of this movement!
These leaders are here to serve the START community! Keep on eye out on the official START social media accounts for helpful trainings, calls and takeovers provided by our new START Ambassadors!
Your 2019 START Ambassadors are:
• Natalia & Jay Mulieri
• Jared & Sharaya Maples
• Chelsea & Lane Taylor
• Meaghan & Wally Kamfolt
• Cameron Biafore
• Morgan Nelson
Global Celebration 2019: START Recap
START Give Back: On Saturday, August 10, 2019 roughly 30 START members gathered together at Second Harvest Food Bank in Nashville, TN for a Give Back event! Modeled after the first food bank established in Phoenix in the mid-1970s, Second Harvest was designed to collect food that would otherwise be wasted, inspect and sort this food, and distribute it to soup kitchens, pantries, and shelters serving the hungry. Today, Second Harvest Food Bank of Middle Tennessee is one of the largest and most comprehensive of more than 200 food banks and food distribution centers nationwide.
Volunteers in attendance participated in sorting and packaging 4,775 pounds of potatoes which will impact a total of 995 families. In addition to giving back to the local community, START members enjoyed quality time networking and building relationships with individuals from all over the globe.
START Social Hour: Immediately following the Give Back, attendees were transported by bus to Dierks Bentley’s Whiskey Row in downtown Nashville. Social Hour participants enjoyed rooftop views of downtown Nashville, local food and drinks! START Social Hours are a casual opportunity for START members to network and meet other like-minded individuals. Guests, whether a part of Isagenix or not, are welcome to join!
START 1000 Stage Recognition: This year at Global Celebration we recognized 11 START leaders in attendance who achieved START 1000.
• United States: Ashley & Daaron Mathews, Cameron Biafore, Chelsea & Lane Taylor, Emma Bliss, Malena & Glen Schrauben, Sydney Lich & Tyler Walter
• Mexico: Dra. Brenda Gabilondo & Mari Carmen Armijo
• Canada: Courtney Heron
• Australia: Jackson & Kayla Baum
START Party: START brought the party back the world-famous Wildhorse Saloon on August 11th for a night filled with line dancing, a local band and a live set from our very own DJ Skemaddox! The START party was an exclusive, invite-only party for individuals who reached Executive rank and registered for Celebration by July 28th.
Emerging Leaders Rock START Panel
On Tuesday, August 13th, Erik Coover hosted the first-ever START panel at Global Celebration! Three START leaders from three separate countries rocked the main stage this year! The START Panel featured Tom Barendregt (The Netherlands), Sydney Lich (United States), and Jackson Baum (Australia). Dozens of START members came to the booth following the segment to express how much they enjoyed the segment and seeing a younger generation represented on stage.
Huge thank you to these incredible leaders for serving the START community and speaking to how they have found success in building their business!
START Member Named Global IsaBody Challenge Winner
Thomas Philbin-Malucelli of Australia was named the first-ever Global IsaBody Challenge Winner! Just two years ago, he was a burned out restaurant manager working long hours and late nights, and the negative people who surrounded him left him feeling stuck which affected his health, relationship, and self-confidence. However, the IsaBody Challenge not only gave him the space to set huge goals and grow a community of inspiring and motivating people, but it also gave him the love and support he needed to keep pushing himself every day. Now he’s the fittest, strongest, and happiest he’s ever been, he’ll receive the enormous prize of US$50,000 and will enjoy an all-expenses-paid trip to Celebration 2020!
Tom was up against tough competition, going head to head with the 11 IsaBody™ Grand Prize Winners from across the World! Everyone was interviewed by members of the Executive Leadership Team as part of the judging process, and the final decision was made by Isagenix Co-Founders Jim and Kathy Coover.
Congratulations, Tom! Your START family is so proud of you!
New “Why I Said Yes” Videos Available
Have you checked out the latest videos in the “Why I Said Yes” video series? Each week in the START group and Isagenix Business group on Facebook, three new videos from the series are featured. To access the series in it’s entirety, click here
The START community has an incredibly unique culture composed of people who have come from different backgrounds, career paths and points in their life. Through this video series, START members from all around the world are able to share their story with as many people as possible. Each 2-3 minute video offers insight into the individuals life prior to Isagenix and explains what made them say “yes” to joining Isagenix and the START Your Life community.
The individuals featured in the series are composed of a diverse group: Students, young families, professional athletes, corporate professionals, single parents, feeling unsatisfied in their career/life and more.
If you would like to be a part of this project and have your “Why I Said Yes” story shared, please email us at
First Ever European START Event
On August 24, 2019 members and guests of EU START members gathered at Edgbaston Cricket ground for Europe’s first-ever START Event! Lucy Hunt says: “It was something beyond collaboration — it was a united group of people all supporting one another, we came together with a collective mission to rise, lead, serve and represent #START✨”
We are excited and fired up for our European STARTers! This is just the beginning!
START Top Income Earners for July
Their hard work, consistency and commitment to changing lives earned these 30 businesses a spot at the top!