Qualify For the 2019 START Party!
START is bringing the party back to Nashville on August 11th, 2019 and we want to see you there! START members from around the world will gather at the world-famous Wildhorse Saloon for a night filled with line dancing, a local band and a live set from our very own DJ Skemaddox! The START party is an exclusive, invite-only party for individuals who reach Executive rank and register for Celebration by July 28th.
This year we will be awarding exclusive gear and additional START Party tickets to those who qualify at different ranks! For a full break down, please see below.
Here’s how to qualify:
·Reach Executive by 7/28/19 and receive two tickets to the START party and a commemorative t-shirt*
·Hit 1-Star Golden Circle or 2-Star Golden Circle for the first time between 8/15/18-7/28/19 and receive three tickets to the START party and a commemorative t-shirt*
·Reach 3-Star Golden Circle by 7/28/19 and receive four tickets to the START party and a commemorative t-shirt*
*commemorative t-shirts will only be given to the individual(s) listed on the business account*
The START party is an excellent way to have fun with your team and network with new people! Don’t miss out on your chance to qualify!
Each week we will post the updated START Party Qualifiers here!
Two New START Success Stories Available
Emma Bliss: New START 1000, Emma Bliss shares her journey with Isagenix after facing heartbreaking loss and set-backs. Her leadership, grit and incredible desire to help others it what makes her the inspiring leader that she is in the START community. She says “I started this opportunity wanting to get my monthly supply of products paid for and to find myself after losing my identity to becoming a first-time mom. Parents will relate to that feeling. Becoming a mom was way more than I expected, and I felt lost in who I had just become.
I envisioned staying home longer with my newborn baby. I dreamed of bringing my husband home and traveling more as a family. As my dreams grew, I grew. As my mindset grew, my business grew … and my plans for my future grew.”
Read Emma’s full story here!
Malena & Glen Schrauben: New START 1000s, Malena and Glenn Schrauben were exhausted young parents who felt as though there was no way to make their dreams come through. With Isagenix as their vehicle, dreams such as Malena getting to work with today’s youth and staying at home with her children have become a reality! Malena says “As young parents, we have purpose, and being able to share that with those we love most is a priceless gift. Isagenix has allowed our hearts of service to shine, and we are forever grateful. Dreams come true when you do the work. Isagenix is good work — it’s humanitarian work. We are blessed to serve the world with the vehicle of Isagenix!”
Read Malena & Glenn’s full story here!
Updates to the Tools Page
Have you seen the latest updates to the Tools page? We’ve added a new video series as well as tips on how to throw a successful home party! The new video series titled “Why I said Yes” showcases the stories of START members with a vast array of backgrounds. The Associates featured explain why they said “yes” to Isagenix and what has happened in their lives since making that decision. New videos are continuously being added to this series, so check back frequently! Available here
In last month’s newsletter, we featured an article titled “5 Tips to Hosting an Incredible Sip & Sample.” Those tips can now be found on the Tools section of the website! Check them out here.
Peach Mango Cleanse For Life Launches*
Cleansing just got a tropical spin! 😍🙌
Introducing Limited-Edition Peach Mango Cleanse For Life!
Peach Mango Cleanse For Life delivers a fresh, crisp taste from two of your favorite fruits while packing a synergistic blend of natural cleansing herbs and antioxidant botanicals to help support the body’s own detoxification processes. Cleanse for Life is the foundation for Cleanse Days, delivering nutrients and botanicals like no other cleanse product can, and remains a fan favorite for Customers around the world.
Already a customer? Purchase here: https://tinyurl.com/yykura6b
Not yet a customer? Click here: https://tinyurl.com/y4ugolcu
*Available now in the US, Canada and Puerto Rico
Unicorn Protein Shake Recipe
Here’s a recipe that’s pure magic! ✨🦄
The Unicorn Protein Shake is made by layering blends of IsaLean Shake and fresh fruit. And no, you’re not dreaming—this shake is equally as magical as it appears! It’s a nutritious, balanced meal replacement packed with the vitamins and minerals your body needs.
START Top Income Earners for May
Their hard work, consistency and commitment to changing lives earned these 30 businesses a spot at the top!
Newest START 1000 Members for June
START 1000 is an exclusive club of young Isagenix leaders ages 18-35 who are eligible to earn a six-figure residual income by maintaining the status of 3-Star Golden Circle & above. Congratulations to our newest members!
Save the Date
Events are key when it comes to forming valuable connections and growing your Isagenix business! Check out some of the events coming up below to find an event happening near you or online! For even more event opportunities and online training dates, head over to the Community tab on our website to find out more!
Global Celebration 2019
August 10-13, 2019
Nashville, TN
Give Back Event @ Global Celebration
August 10th, 2019
Where: TBD
When: TBD
START Social Hour @ Global Celebration
August 10th, 2019
Where: TBD
When: Immediately following the START Give Back (Time TBD)